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Phrasal Verb List

  • ask somebody out
    invite on a date
    Brian asked Judy out to dinner and a movie.

  • ask around
    ask many people the same question
    I asked around but nobody has seen my wallet.

  • add up to something
    Your purchases add up to $205.32.

  • back something up
    You'll have to back up your car so that I can get out.

  • back somebody up
    My wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job.

  • blow up
    The racing car blew up after it crashed into the fence.

  • blow something up
    add air
    We have to blow 50 balloons up for the party.

  • break down
    stop functioning (vehicle, machine)
    Our car broke down at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.

  • break down
    get upset
    The woman broke down when the police told her that her son had died.

  • break something down
    divide into smaller parts
    Our teacher broke the final project down into three separate parts.

  • break in
    force entry to a building
    Somebody broke in last night and stole our stereo.

  • break into something
    enter forcibly
    The firemen had to break into the room to rescue the children.

  • break something in
    wear something a few times so that it doesn't look/feel new
    I need to break these shoes in before we run next week.

  • break in
    The TV station broke in to report the news of the president's death.

  • break up
    end a relationship
    My boyfriend and I broke up before I moved to America.

  • break up
    start laughing (informal)
    The kids just broke up as soon as the clown started talking.

  • break out
    The prisoners broke out of jail when the guards weren't looking.

  • break out in something
    develop a skin condition
    I broke out in a rash after our camping trip.

  • bring somebody down
    make unhappy
    This sad music is bringing me down.

  • bring somebody up
    raise a child
    My grandparents brought me up after my parents died.

  • bring something up
    start talking about a subject
    My mother walks out of the room when my father brings up sports.

  • bring something up
    He drank so much that he brought his dinner up in the toilet.


Phrasal Verb - Sentence

  • Cook up something --> สร้างเรื่อง แต่งเรื่อง

    • He’s cooked up a good excuse for not attending the meeting.

  • cool off --> ทำให้อารมณ์เย็นลง

    • He just needs a little time to cool off.

  • count someone in --> ร่วมทำด้วย เอาด้วย ไปด้วย

    • Shall we count you in on the plan?

  • count on somebody --> พึ่งพาได้

    • I can always count on my friends.

  • count someone out --> ไม่ไปด้วย ไม่เข้าร่วม ไม่ทำด้วย

    • If it costs over one thousand, you can count me out. It’s too expensive for me.

  • crop up --> เกิดขึ้นอย่างไม่ได้คาดหมายไว้

    • I’ll see you next week unless something crops up.

  • cut back on something --> ประหยัดเงิน

    • We will have to cut back on expenditure.

  • cut down on something --> ตัดสิ่งที่ไม่จำเป็นออก

    • He’s trying to cut down on smoking.

  • cut in --> พูดแทรก

    • I hate when she cuts in.

  • cut someone off --> สายโทรศัพท์หลุด

    • I was talking to Helen, but then we were cut off.

  • cut something off --> ปิดการทำงาน ยกเลิก

    • You’d better pay your bills, otherwise, they will cut your electricity off.

  • cut out --> หยุดทำงาน

    • The engine in our car keeps cutting out.

  • cut someone out --> ไม่ให้เข้าร่วม

    • Finally they managed to cut out all the competition.

  • cut something out --> ตัดออก

    • If you want to lose weight you should cut out sweets.


  • dash off

    • After breakfast he dashed off to his office.

  • dawn on somebody

    • It dawned on him that his car had been stolen.

  • deal in

    • They deal in cars.

  • deal with something

    • We deal with many frustrated clients.

  • deal with something

    • The film deals with the economic situation in Europe.

  • deal with somebody

    • We’ve been dealing with Smith Brothers for over five years.

  • deal with somebody

    • How do you deal with difficult customers?

  • do for somebody

    • If we don’t get the credit, we’ll be done for.

  • do somebody out of something

    • Are you trying to do me out of this job?

  • do somebody over

    • He got done over by some hooligans.

  • do something up

    • My neighbour is having his house done up.

  • do something up

    • Do up your coat before you go out.

  • do with something

    • I’m very tired, I could do with a cool drink.

  • have something to do with something

    • His work has to do with computer programming.

  • do without something

    • I'll have to do without the Internet this week.

  • draw in

    • The evenings are drawing in. It will be winter soon.

  • draw in

    • The London train drew in five minutes late.

  • draw somebody in

    • I managed to avoid getting drawn in.

  • draw out

    • As soon as January finishes, the days begin to draw out noticeably.

  • draw out

    • We arrived at the stadion just as the train was drawing out.

  • draw somebody out

    • He was very shy but his colleagues soon drew him out.

  • draw something out

    • I can go to the bank and draw out £100 at a time.

  • draw something out

    • Your essay is too short. Can’t you draw it out a bit?

  • draw something out

    • He didn’t want to tell us what happened so we had to draw it out of him slowly.

  • draw up

    • The taxi drew up in front of the hotel.

  • draw something up contract, list, plan, report, will

    • It’s a carefully drawn up report, accurate and to the point.

  • draw something up chair, stool

    • Draw the chair up to the bed, will you?

  • dream something up plan, excuse, explanation

    • Whatever will they dream up next?

  • dress up

    • Is it going to be an informal party or do we need to dress up for it?

  • dress up

    • He dressed up as a pirate.

  • dress something up

    • Your plan looks interesting. Dress it up and then send it to the boss.

  • drink something up

    • Drink up your coffee or it will get cold.

  • drive at something

    • I know what you are driving at.

  • drop by

    • Could you possibly drop by again tomorrow?

  • drop something by / in / off / over / round

    • ‘Where did these CDs come from?’ – ‘Peter dropped them by this afternoon.’

  • drop off

    • He dropped off in the middle of the lesson.

  • drop off

    • But for some reason sales drop off, to 90 per month.

  • drop somebody off

    • Ask the driver to drop you off at the cinema.

  • drop out

    • She had to drop out and find a job.

  • drum something up

    • We met with him when he was trying to drum up support.

  • dry something up

    • Could you dry up these plates?

  • dry up

    • She keeps talking about her children. I do wish she’d dry up!

  • dwell on something

    • There was no sense in dwelling on the past.


  • ease off

    • It was simply his body telling him to ease off.

  • ease up on somebody

    • I think you should ease up on them.

  • eat into something

    • The holiday in Greece will eat into our savings.

  • eat something up

    • They'll eat up whatever you put in front of them.

  • egg on

    • Stop egging him on to drink more!

  • end up

    • He ended up working as a teacher after he tried different jobs.


  • face up to something

    • She will have to face up to many problems.

  • fall back on something

    • Fortunately, we’ve got our savings to fall back on.

  • fall back on somebody

    • I have nobody to fall back on.

  • fall behind

    • The real problem is that Europe continues to fall behind in other areas.

  • fall for somebody

    • Finally he has fallen for her.

  • fall for something

    • I wish she wouldn’t fall for all these sales tricks.

  • fall in with somebody

    • We fell in with some tourists from our hotel.

  • fall in with something

    • He fell in with our suggestion to go to Greece.

  • fall off

    • Sales fell off after Christmas.

  • fall off

    • The service in this restaurants has fallen off.

  • fall out with somebody

    • Peter is always falling out with people.

  • fall through

    • The holiday plans fell through because of the weather.

  • fall down

    • When the woman fall down, the man help her up.

  • fall apart

    • She was depressed when her marriage fell apart.

  • fall over

    • I fell over while dancing.

  • feel up to something

    • I don’t feel up to doing my homework.

  • fight somebody off

    • The police tried to fight off the protesters.

  • fight something off

    • You should stay in bed and take some medicines to fight off the flu.

  • fill in something

    • You should fill in this form.

  • fill in somebody

    • Could you fill me in on his qualifications for this job?

  • fill in for somebody

    • Will you fill in for me next week?

  • finish off something

    • I’m going to finish off the report after lunch.

  • finish off/up with something

    • I would like to finish off with a comment on the taxes.

  • finish with somebody

    • He has lied to me so I have finished with him.

  • fit in

    • The shelf is too small. Our records won’t fit in.

  • fit in with something

    • This table doesn’t fit in with the rest of the furniture.

  • fit somebody in

    • I hope the dentist can fit me in today.

  • fit somebody up with something

    • Could you fit me up with some new tyres?

  • fit something up with something

    • The classroom has just been fitted up with new audio equipment.

  • fix on something

    • Have you fixed on a date for your wedding yet?

  • fix somebody up with something

    • Can you fix me up with any part-time job?

  • fix something up

    • Don't worry. Everything is fixed up.

  • be in a fix

    • Now we're in a fix!

  • follow through

    • I’m determined to follow my plan through.

  • follow something up

    • We should follow up his suggestion; it sounds intriguing.

  • follow up

    • If they say yes, then you can follow up with more questions.


  • get something across/ over
    communicate, make understandable
    I tried to get my point across/over to the judge but she wouldn't listen.

  • get along/on
    like each other
    I was surprised how well my new girlfriend and my sister got along/on.

  • get around
    have mobility
    My grandfather can get around fine in his new wheelchair.

  • get away
    go on a vacation
    We worked so hard this year that we had to get away for a week.

  • get away with something
    do without being noticed or punished
    Jason always gets away with cheating in his maths tests.

  • get back
    We got back from our vacation last week.

  • get something back
    receive something you had before
    Liz finally got her Science notes back from my roommate.

  • get back at somebody
    retaliate, take revenge
    My sister got back at me for stealing her shoes. She stole my favourite hat.

  • get back into something
    become interested in something again
    I finally got back into my novel and finished it.

  • get on something
    step onto a vehicle
    We're going to freeze out here if you don't let us get on the bus.

  • get over something
    recover from an illness, loss, difficulty
    I just got over the flu and now my sister has it.

  • get over something
    overcome a problem
    The company will have to close if it can't get over the new regulations.

  • get round to something
    finally find time to do (AmE: get around to something)
    I don't know when I am going to get round to writing the thank you cards.

  • get together
    meet (usually for social reasons)
    Let's get together for a BBQ this weekend.

  • get up
    get out of bed
    I got up early today to study for my exam.

  • get up
    You should get up and give the elderly man your seat.

  • give somebody away
    reveal hidden information about somebody
    His wife gave him away to the police.

  • give somebody away
    take the bride to the altar
    My father gave me away at my wedding.

  • give something away
    ruin a secret
    My little sister gave the surprise party away by accident.

  • give something away
    give something to somebody for free
    The library was giving away old books on Friday.

  • give something back
    return a borrowed item
    I have to give these skates back to Franz before his hockey game.

  • give in
    reluctantly stop fighting or arguing
    My boyfriend didn't want to go to the ballet, but he finally gave in.

  • give something out
    give to many people (usually at no cost)
    They were giving out free perfume samples at the department store.

  • give something up
    quit a habit
    I am giving up smoking as of January 1st.

  • give up
    stop trying
    My maths homework was too difficult so I gave up.

  • go after somebody
    follow somebody
    My brother tried to go after the thief in his car.

  • go after something
    try to achieve something
    I went after my dream and now I am a published writer.

  • go against somebody
    compete, oppose
    We are going against the best soccer team in the city tonight.

  • go ahead
    start, proceed
    Please go ahead and eat before the food gets cold.

  • go back
    return to a place
    I have to go back home and get my lunch.

  • go out
    leave home to go on a social event
    We're going out for dinner tonight.

  • go out with somebody
    Jesse has been going out with Luke since they met last winter.

  • go over something
    Please go over your answers before you submit your test.

  • go over
    visit somebody nearby
    I haven't seen Tina for a long time. I think I'll go over for an hour or two.

  • go without something
    suffer lack or deprivation
    When I was young, we went without winter boots.

  • grow apart
    stop being friends over time
    My best friend and I grew apart after she changed schools.

  • grow back
    My roses grew back this summer.

  • grow into something
    grow big enough to fit
    This bike is too big for him now, but he should grow into it by next year.

  • grow out of something
    get too big for
    Elizabeth needs a new pair of shoes because she has grown out of her old ones.

  • grow up
    become an adult
    When Jack grows up he wants to be a fireman.


  • hand something down
    give something used to somebody else
    I handed my old comic books down to my little cousin.

  • hand something in
    I have to hand in my essay by Friday.

  • hand something out
    to distribute to a group of people
    We will hand out the invitations at the door.

  • hand something over
    give (usually unwillingly)
    The police asked the man to hand over his wallet and his weapons.

  • hang in
    stay positive (informal)
    Hang in there. I'm sure you'll find a job very soon.

  • hang on
    wait a short time (informal)
    Hang on while I grab my coat and shoes!

  • hang out
    spend time relaxing (informal)
    Instead of going to the party we are just going to hang out at my place.

  • hang up
    end a phone call
    He didn't say goodbye before he hung up.

  • hold somebody/ something back
    prevent from doing/going
    I had to hold my dog back because there was a cat in the park.

  • hold something back
    hide an emotion
    Jamie held back his tears at his grandfather's funeral.

  • hold on
    wait a short time
    Please hold on while I transfer you to the Sales Department.

  • hold onto somebody/ something
    hold firmly using your hands or arms
    Hold onto your hat because it's very windy outside.

  • hold somebody/ something up
    A man in a black mask held the bank up this morning.


  • keep on doing something
    continue doing
    Keep on stirring until the liquid comes to a boil.

  • keep something from somebody
    not tell
    We kept our relationship from our parents for two years.

  • keep somebody/ something out
    stop from entering
    Try to keep the wet dog out of the living room.

  • keep something up
    continue at the same rate
    If you keep those results up you will get into a great college.

  • let somebody down
    fail to support or help, disappoint
    I need you to be on time. Don't let me down this time.

  • let somebody in
    allow to enter
    Can you let the cat in before you go to school?

  • log in (or on)
    sign in (to a website, database etc)
    I can't log in to Facebook because I've forgotten my password.

  • log out (or off)
    sign out (of a website, database etc)
    If you don't log off somebody could get into your account.

  • look after somebody/ something
    take care of
    I have to look after my sick grandmother.

  • look down on somebody
    think less of, consider inferior
    Ever since we stole that chocolate bar your dad has looked down on me.

  • look for somebody/ something
    try to find
    I'm looking for a red dress for the wedding.

  • look forward to something
    be excited about the future
    I'm looking forward to the Christmas break.

  • look into something
    We are going to look into the price of snowboards today.

  • look out
    be careful, vigilant, and take notice
    Look out! That car's going to hit you!

  • look out for somebody/ something
    be especially vigilant for
    Don't forget to look out for snakes on the hiking trail.

  • look something over
    check, examine
    Can you look over my essay for spelling mistakes?

  • look something up
    search and find information in a reference book or database
    We can look her phone number up on the Internet.

  • look up to somebody
    have a lot of respect for
    My little sister has always looked up to me.


  • make something up
    invent, lie about something
    Josie made up a story about why we were late.

  • make up
    forgive each other
    We were angry last night, but we made up at breakfast.

  • make somebody up
    apply cosmetics to
    My sisters made me up for my graduation party.

  • mix something up
    confuse two or more things
    I mixed up the twins' names again!

  • pass away
    His uncle passed away last night after a long illness.

  • pass out
    It was so hot in the church that an elderly lady passed out.

  • pass something out
    give the same thing to many people
    The professor passed the textbooks out before class.

  • pass something up
    decline (usually something good)
    I passed up the job because I am afraid of change.

  • pay somebody back
    return owed money
    Thanks for buying my ticket. I'll pay you back on Friday.

  • pay for something
    be punished for doing something bad
    That bully will pay for being mean to my little brother.

  • pick something out
    I picked out three sweaters for you to try on.

  • point somebody/ something out
    indicate with your finger
    I'll point my boyfriend out when he runs by.

  • put something down
    put what you are holding on a surface or floor
    You can put the groceries down on the kitchen counter.

  • put somebody down
    insult, make somebody feel stupid
    The students put the substitute teacher down because his pants were too short.

  • put something off
    We are putting off our trip until January because of the hurricane.

  • put something out
    The neighbours put the fire out before the firemen arrived.

  • put something together
    I have to put the crib together before the baby arrives.

  • put up with somebody/ something
    I don't think I can put up with three small children in the car.

  • put something on
    put clothing/ accessories on your body
    Don't forget to put on your new earrings for the party.


  • run into somebody/ something
    meet unexpectedly
    I ran into an old school-friend at the mall.

  • run over somebody/ something
    drive a vehicle over a person or thing
    I accidentally ran over your bicycle in the driveway.

  • run over/ through something
    rehearse, review
    Let's run over/through these lines one more time before the show.

  • run away
    leave unexpectedly, escape
    The child ran away from home and has been missing for three days.

  • run out
    have none left
    We ran out of shampoo so I had to wash my hair with soap.

  • send something back
    return (usually by mail)
    My letter got sent back to me because I used the wrong stamp.

  • set something up
    arrange, organize
    Our boss set a meeting up with the president of the company.

  • set somebody up
    trick, trap
    The police set up the car thief by using a hidden camera.

  • shop around
    compare prices
    I want to shop around a little before I decide on these boots.

  • show off
    act extra special for people watching (usually boastfully)
    He always shows off on his skateboard

  • sleep over
    stay somewhere for the night (informal)
    You should sleep over tonight if the weather is too bad to drive home.

  • sort something out
    organize, resolve a problem
    We need to sort the bills out before the first of the month.

  • stick to something
    continue doing something, limit yourself to one particular thing
    You will lose weight if you stick to the diet.

  • switch something off
    stop the energy flow, turn off
    The light's too bright. Could you switch it off.

  • switch something on
    start the energy flow, turn on
    We heard the news as soon as we switched on the car radio.


  • take after somebody
    resemble a family member
    I take after my mother. We are both impatient.

  • take something apart
    purposely break into pieces
    He took the car brakes apart and found the problem.

  • take something back
    return an item
    I have to take our new TV back because it doesn't work.

  • take off
    start to fly
    My plane takes off in five minutes.

  • take something off
    remove something (usually clothing)
    Take off your socks and shoes and come in the lake!

  • take something out
    remove from a place or thing
    Can you take the garbage out to the street for me?

  • take somebody out
    pay for somebody to go somewhere with you
    My grandparents took us out for dinner and a movie.

  • tear something up
    rip into pieces
    I tore up my ex-boyfriend's letters and gave them back to him.

  • think back
    remember (often + to, sometimes + on)
    When I think back on my youth, I wish I had studied harder.

  • think something over
    I'll have to think this job offer over before I make my final decision.

  • throw something away
    dispose of
    We threw our old furniture away when we won the lottery.

  • turn something down
    decrease the volume or strength (heat, light etc)
    Please turn the TV down while the guests are here.

  • turn something down
    I turned the job down because I don't want to move.

  • turn something off
    stop the energy flow, switch off
    Your mother wants you to turn the TV off and come for dinner.

  • turn something on
    start the energy, switch on
    It's too dark in here. Let's turn some lights on.

  • turn something up
    increase the volume or strength (heat, light etc)
    Can you turn the music up? This is my favourite song.

  • turn up
    appear suddenly
    Our cat turned up after we put posters up all over the neighbourhood.

  • try something on
    sample clothing
    I'm going to try these jeans on, but I don't think they will fit.

  • try something out
    I am going to try this new brand of detergent out.

  • use something up
    finish the supply
    The kids used all of the toothpaste up so we need to buy some more.

  • wake up
    stop sleeping
    We have to wake up early for work on Monday.

  • warm somebody/ something up
    increase the temperature
    You can warm your feet up in front of the fireplace.

  • warm up
    prepare body for exercise
    I always warm up by doing sit-ups before I go for a run.

  • wear off
    fade away
    Most of my make-up wore off before I got to the party.

  • work out
    I work out at the gym three times a week.

  • work out
    be successful
    Our plan worked out fine.

  • work something out
    make a calculation
    We have to work out the total cost before we buy the house.

Essential Items

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